The Power of Pause

- Amazing Paros, Greece
Santa Maria Beach, Paros, Greece
Lighthouse, Paros Greece
When your cellphone or computer is stuck- what do you do? You restart it. And then it starts working again. Right?
That is the power of PAUSE! The power of starting over! Your mind and body sometimes need to unplug from your daily life and work and just recharge. And that is what I am doing. It is easier said than done- In fact, it is brave to get away. To leave your home, work, business, family and commitments and just get away—- and pray that things don’t fall apart while youre away.
Don’t wait until you’re too old and weak before you make time for yourself or do the things you love or fulfill your dreams. DO IT NOW! Take that vacation. Enroll in that dance class. Read that book. Learn that new hobby. Pursue your passion!
Because if not now, when?