World’s Best Place to Watch the Sunset

The natural beauty of Oia’s unique stone topography, dark blue waters in combination with its traditional Greek architecture of white washed houses, gorgeous villas, winding streets, windmills and blue domed churches, make this village unique and popular among photographers. All that beauty, along with the gorgeous sunset in the afternoon, make this an unbelievable place you have to see and experience in your lifetime.

Oia is a picturesque town in Santorini, Greece beloved by artists, locals and the tourists alike. If you’re a photographer or a painter or you simply enjoy sunsets, you have to come and experience this daily phenomenon. (It’s also named one of the most romantic spots to propose to your loved one!).


During daytime, it is a busy destination for visiting cruise ship passengers. So it’s best to avoid it! It is better to arrive in the early evening, allowing plenty of time to meander, shop and take photographs, then have a relaxing meal in one of the restaurants while watching one of the most beautiful sunsets you would ever experience.

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